Yard Safety

Summer is the perfect time and perfect weather to spend outside getting your yard and outdoor spaces in tip-top shape. But before you head outside, we want to remind you that simple precautions can ensure your work is disaster free. Here are our top 10 yard work safety tips that can help you — and […]

April 10, 2020

Tips for Driving in the Rain

Nearly half (46%) of all weather-related car accidents — more than 700,000 a year — are due to rain.1 As we experience more soggy weather, it’s imperative that all drivers are schooled on how they can safely maneuver their vehicle and avoid weather-related auto accidents, which often cause car insurance rates to rise. Here are some tips for […]

April 2, 2019

Halloween Infographic and Safety Tips

Did you know that over $2 billion will be spent on Halloween candy this year? Or how about $330 million on just pet costumes? We know that Halloween is one of children’s favorite holidays. The chance to dress up in a costume and fill bags with candy is a sure way to excite any youngster. […]

October 27, 2018

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