Protect Yourself from Landslides and Mudslides

Landslides occur when masses of rock, earth, or debris move down a slope. Debris flows, also known as mudslides, are a common type of fast-moving landslide that tends to flow in channels. What causes landslides and debris flows Landslides are caused by disturbances in the natural stability of a slope. They can accompany heavy rains or follow droughts, […]

August 13, 2020

Homeowners Insurance: What is loss of use coverage?

What is Loss of Use insurance coverage?  Loss of use coverage pays to maintain your standard of living while your residence is being repaired or rebuilt in the event of a covered claim. In most cases, loss of use covers the excess of what you normally spend for certain things. For instance, let’s say your […]

August 2, 2019

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