how to protect yourself from landslides

How to Protect Yourself From Landslides

Landslides pose a bigger risk to Utah homeowners than you might realize. The movement of rock, soil, and debris can lead to destructive situations. Because these hazards are so unpredictable, it is crucial to understand both the risk and how to protect yourself from landslides with safety measures and proper insurance.

Understanding Landslides

Understanding the different types of landslides will help you assess their potential impact and take proper steps for protection and mitigation.

Rock Falls

Rock falls are a sudden and rapid descent of rocks down a slope. Rocks of various sizes can contribute to significant damage on impact.

Debris Flows

Debris flows involve water-saturated material falling down a slope. These incidents usually include a mixture of soil, rocks, vegetation, and water. The resulting slurry-type substance can travel at high speeds, leaving destruction in its path. 


Mudslides occur when wet or saturated soil shifts and flows down a slope. Homeowners should understand that mudslides can vary in speed from rapid flow to slow-moving masses of mud.

Many things contribute to the risk of landslides, including heavy rainfall and rapid snowmelt, which can jeopardize soil integrity. Seismic activity from earthquakes and volcanoes can also increase risks, as can steeper slopes and those without adequate vegetation. Deforestation, irrigation and drainage system changes, and climate change also contribute to stability issues.

Recognizing Vulnerability

Utah’s diverse topography and geological composition increases the risk of landslides. Changes in the landscape, including soil erosion, cracks in the ground, or tilting trees could indicate an increased risk of a landslide. New building fractures and increased frequency of cracking, rumbling, and similar sounds also indicate possible risk factors for landslides. Watching for signs can provide you with valuable early warnings so that you can protect yourself and your family.

Protecting Yourself and Your Home From Landslides

Emergency preparedness is critical in protecting yourself from landslides. Build emergency evacuation kits with water, non-perishable food, and first aid supplies. Review the evacuation routes in your area, and identify the resources for emergency broadcasts about weather conditions so you can respond to evacuation calls right away.

You also need communication plans, including a list of emergency contacts and local alert sources. Finally, identify your safe zone and shelter options by finding areas around you with lower risks of landslide damage.

When you landscape your home, consider the best practices and incorporate adequate drainage systems and retaining wall structures to help contribute added stability. You should also consider working with geotechnical engineers to ensure the structural integrity and stability of your home and property. Combining these practices will help ensure your family and property’s safety.

Does Insurance Cover Landslides?

Standard homeowners insurance typically excludes landslide damage. You can bridge the coverage gap with additional protections. Additional coverage costs vary depending on your property’s location and zoning regulations and its history of prior landslide damage. 

At BTC Insurance, we specialize in high-value homeowners insurance that goes beyond standard homeowners coverage. We can work with you to extend your protection and safeguard your homestead in case of landslides and other unforeseen events.

Utah homeowners often underestimate the risk of landslide damage to their homes and families. Given the increased risk, you should learn how to protect yourself from landslides. Contact BTC Insurance today to explore your coverage options.

About BTC Insurance Services

Founded in 2011, BTC Insurance Services has proudly served Utah businesses with comprehensive and custom-tailored insurance coverages for a decade. We pride ourselves on fostering long-term client relationships with a personalized and hands-on approach, and have established a reputation built on quality and transparency. For more information about our products and services, we invite you to contact one of our reputable agents today at (855) 944-3457, or send us a message here.

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