Lender-Placed Insurance

What is Lender-Placed Insurance?

When someone finances the purchase of a home, mortgage lenders require borrowers to obtain and maintain appropriate property insurance coverage. Unfortunately, borrowers sometimes fail to maintain this critical coverage, potentially putting the financial institution’s interests at risk. Most mortgage contracts in Utah and across the country allow lenders to protect their financial interests – the collateral on a home loan – with a specialized insurance policy known as lender-placed insurance. In this guide, we will explore Utah lender-placed insurance, including what it covers and how it works to provide robust protection for financial institutions against losses. 

The Nuts and Bolts of Utah Lender-Placed Insurance

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) defines lender-placed insurance as an insurance policy placed by a bank or mortgage lending servicer on a home where the homeowner’s (the mortgage borrower’s) own insurance coverage has lapsed or is otherwise insufficient to protect the lender’s financial interests. A homeowner may fail to obtain or maintain adequate insurance coverage for a number of reasons, including:

  • Failure to pay annual premiums
  • Policy cancellation
  • Failure to find an insurer willing to underwrite a property in a risky area like high crime zones, earthquake- or fire-prone areas, or floodplains. 
  • Withdrawal of coverage by the insurer
  • Insufficient coverage of existing property insurance
  • Policy expiration
  • Oversight on the part of the borrower

When an existing mortgage insurance policy is canceled or otherwise lapses, the lender’s assets may be at risk. To reduce risk exposures, most mortgages allow the lender to obtain insurance policies of its own on the property. This is sometimes referred to as “force-placed” or “creditor-placed” insurance. It is important to note that the lender is not the only entity that benefits from this coverage; these policies are designed to protect the property itself, the homeowner, and the lien holder (the lender). 

Typical Program Features of Utah Lender-Placed Insurance Solutions

As with any insurance policy, lender-placed insurance is available to suit the specific needs of lenders. The ultimate goal of this insurance solution is to protect the financial interests of a lender, such as a bank or mortgage servicer. Each lender will have its own unique needs and risk exposures, necessitating flexibility on the part of the insurance provider. Common program features include:

  • Availability of coverages for both residential and commercial properties
  • Coverage for replacement costs if a structure is lost
  • A range of coverage options for flood, earthquake, and business liabilities
  • Coverages for real estate-owned portfolios
  • Risk management services including hazard tracking and reporting tools

Most lender-placed insurance solutions offer customizable coverage limits and deductibles as well.

Drawbacks to Lender-Placed Insurance

There are many advantages with lender-placed insurance, allowing financial institutions to protect their interests in the face of lapses in homeowner property coverages. As with any insurance solution, there are potential drawbacks to be aware of.

Cost is a consideration for both lenders and homeowners. Utah lender-placed insurance tends to be more expensive than the homeowners insurance policies available to the borrower. These additional costs are reflected in future mortgage payments. Insurance providers charge higher premiums for this coverage due to the increased risks inherent in the mortgage lending process.

Coverage under these policies may also be less than a comparable homeowners policy based on price. Typically, a force-placed insurance policy only covers the amount of loan due to the lender, although as indicated above, replacement coverage is available. Lender-placed policies usually do not include additional coverages like personal property loss protection, unlike most homeowners policies.

Finally, the Utah lender-placed insurance market has seen its share of abuse. In fact, a special set of provisions to prevent lenders from using this form of insurance in a fraudulent way is contained in the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, enacted in 2010. Reputable lender-placed insurance providers know that the use of this solution must be legitimate and must protect the interests of the lender and the homeowner alike. 

About BTC Insurance Services

Founded in 2011, BTC Insurance Services has proudly served Utah businesses with comprehensive and custom-tailored insurance coverages for a decade. We pride ourselves on fostering long-term client relationships with a personalized and hands-on approach, and have established a reputation built on quality and transparency. For more information about our products and services, we invite you to contact one of our reputable agents today at (855) 944-3457, or send us a message here.

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