Why You Should Consider Roadside Assistance

Most insurance companies offer some sort of roadside assistance coverage as part of their personal auto insurance policies.  What does this coverage actually provide, though?  And, is it worth the cost?
Advantages of Roadside Assistance Coverage
By purchasing roadside assistance, most insurance customers can expect most of the following items to be included.  For specifics, we recommend looking at your policy or contact our office.
  • Towing — If your car breaks down, Roadside Assistance pays to tow it anywhere usually within like a 15-mile radius. It also pays to tow your car to the nearest qualified repair facility, even if it’s farther than 15 miles away.
  • Flat Tire Change — We’ll send a professional to you who can change your tire and put the spare on while you wait.
  • Locksmith Service — If your keys are lost, stolen or locked in the car, Roadside Assistance covers you. We’ll send a qualified service provider to help recover them. If the keys need replacing, you simply pay for the cost of the keys.
  • Battery Jump-Start — When your battery dies, we’ll come to you and jump-start it.
  • Emergency Fuel and Fluid Delivery — If you run out of gas, you can have fuel delivered to you. You simply pay for the cost of the fuel; delivery and service are free. Same goes if your car overheats: We’ll deliver the necessary fluids to get you running again, and you pay only the cost of the fluids.
Is Roadside Assistance a Good Value?
You could pay less than $15 for an entire six months of coverage when you choose Roadside Assistance for your car insurance policy. With just one emergency response, the coverage could easily pay for itself. You might pay around $200 to have your car towed to the nearest shop, but with Roadside Assistance, you pay nothing but your premium. Consider it financial protection from unforeseen out-of-pocket expenses.

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