5 Manufacturing Trends to Watch in 2022

Five Manufacturing Trends to Watch in 2022

There are five manufacturing trends to watch in 2022 and ideas that will take the industry in a new direction. The manufacturing industry is in the midst of a significant change. Despite unprecedented supply chain problems and labor shortages, companies maintain high profits and continue to grow.

Five Manufacturing Trends to Watch in 2022

This paradox of success reveals the industry’s resilience. Also, it explains the following five current manufacturing trends. Learn what to expect next by studying these factors.

Unstable Supply Chains

One of the most troubling trends in recent years is an increasingly unstable supply chain. Furthermore, this challenge plagues the industry, causing an increase in operating costs and a decrease in successful deliveries. Although this certainly affects manufacturers, consumers absorb the price. Digital supply strategies may offer a solution to these issues shortly. Additionally, many companies have begun investing in data analytics to pursue a more stable supply chain.

Shortage of Labor

Like nearly every other industry, manufacturing faces a continued labor shortage. Alternatively, as important positions remain unfilled, it may tempt employers to cut corners and operate with a skeleton staff. It isn’t just unwise — it’s unsafe. Understaffing can be a liability, and liabilities can lead to manufacturers insurance claims. Keep your manufacturers insurance premiums low by continually recruiting talented candidates to the manufacturing workforce.

Smart Tech in Factories

Innovative technology is one of the most critical manufacturing trends you should be on the lookout for. Also, manufacturing facilities throughout the U.S. have caught onto the value of artificial intelligence. Many factory processes are outsourced to robots while algorithms monitor quality assurance processes. It is a viable solution to the labor shortage, and it’s also a great way to accumulate data quickly. Smart tech is poised to trigger a new generation of manufacturing advancements.

Ramped Up Cybersecurity

Cyber threats are rising across almost every sector, including the manufacturing industry. Many high-profile attacks have resulted in leaked data and compromised processes. Thus, many companies wisely invest in improving their cybersecurity infrastructure. It may include upgraded network technology, audits of credential usage, and better protection of proprietary information. Then, these efforts can prevent common attacks such as ransomware, and they may help prevent internal breaches, too.

More Investment in ESG

Many manufacturers recognize increased pressure from sources of environmental, social, and government (ESG). Likewise, more scrutiny than ever gets directed at these companies, demanding data on diversity, inclusion, and environmental impact. In most cases, it’s best to comply readily and provide the requested information. Transparency is typically the best policy for these matters. However, manufacturers should be ready to face a call to action from ESG representatives.

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