
Managing Liquor Liability in Summer: Insurance Solutions for Restaurants

Alcohol can often make people unpredictable, and what’s difficult is that it can sometimes be a challenge to tell how intoxicated they are. While there are outward signs, everyone reacts differently to alcohol, so you may be unable to tell simply by a person’s balance or how they talk. Businesses must have a liquor liability license because you cannot always tell whether someone is under the influence of alcohol. 

What Is a Liquor Liability License?

A liquor liability license covers places of business that sell alcohol in the event an intoxicated person who purchased alcohol on your premises causes harm or damage to someone or their property. Moreover, this insurance protects you from subsequent lawsuits and other costs that may arise.

Liquor liability becomes even more important in the summer months when people are more likely to imbibe. Research shows that alcohol use tends to peak in the summer, along with December, making restaurant insurance even more critical to prevent liabilities that might occur. 

Who Should Consider Getting Liquor Liability Insurance?

Any place of business that sells alcohol can benefit from having this type of insurance. While bars and restaurants may be the most likely to have incidents stemming from serving alcohol, grocery and convenience stores should also consider this insurance.

What Does It Cover?

There are several things this insurance will cover.

Accidents and Injuries

When people have been drinking, they are more likely to hurt themselves. Not only that, but they may pose a danger to people around them. When they consume alcohol in your place of business and get injured or harm others, your insurance policy protects you from a lawsuit that may arise.

In addition, if a person who has had a few drinks gets behind the wheel and causes an accident, your policy also covers you.

Property Damage

Property damage is more likely to occur when a person has been drinking. It may be unintentional, like driving into a pole and knocking out power to residents, but it can also be intentional, like someone who’s had a bit too much to drink smashing in their ex’s car windows. Either way, you want the protection offered by an insurance policy so you do not hold any responsibility.

DUI Citations

No one should drink and drive, but it still happens. People who have only had a few drinks often think they can safely drive home but then get pulled over and receive a DUI citation. If the alcohol they consumed came from your place of business, you would have protection with your restaurant insurance plan.

Legal Expenses

Court costs stemming from people having too much to drink can add up quickly. Whether due to them fighting a DUI in court or facing a lawsuit for causing a car accident, you don’t want to be on the hook for the expenses.

Do I Need a Liquor Liability License? 

Yes. Not only is a liquor liability policy required by law, but it is also essential to protect your business from financial ruin if an unfortunate drinking incident occurs. Liquor insurance for restaurants is a must-have for any restaurant that serves alcohol.

About BTC Insurance Services

Founded in 2011, BTC Insurance Services has proudly served Utah businesses with comprehensive and custom-tailored insurance coverages for a decade. We pride ourselves on fostering long-term client relationships with a personalized and hands-on approach, and have established a reputation built on quality and transparency. For more information about our products and services, we invite you to contact one of our reputable agents today at (855) 944-3457, or send us a message here

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